About Us

Our Mission

In the light of the exceptional challenges these unprecedented times face — tackling a pandemic, re-establishing global trade, consolidating public budgets, and transforming the economy towards environmental sustainability — policy making is marked by multi-dimensional problems and ever-present trade-offs.

Managing complexity is the activity

Munich Economics offers tailor-made solutions for public and private clients in the field of economic policy, fiscal measures, enivronmental policy, and international trade policy. Thereby, our initial purpose is to draft client-oriented and profound decision-making bases that are grounded on scientific findings.

Shaping debates is the ambition

Inspired by personal experiences in the United States (Harvard, MIT, Stanford), our work is guided by analyzing and rationalizing big data. Where human knowledge is limited, information gathered from data is limitless. Ideas are just as good as their empirical relevance.

Data analytics is the approach

Building on several years of professional experience in economic consulting as well as academic research, Munich Economics is a pioneer in developing and applying state-of-the-art techniques of different disciplines, such as data science, empirical economic research, and scientific policy consulting. As economic experts for numerous media outlets, we have a strong record of effective science communication.

Our Story

Our goal to align economic rationale and evidence-based policy advice is a maxim that we have personally striven for throughout our professional and academic journeys. We have been passionate about applied economics since our high-school years, and have since been keen promoters of sustainable policies.
The story of Munich Economics has began in August 2015. We met as graduate students at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, one of Europe’s top institutions for rigorous economic training, and both sensed a disconnect between the academic and real-life world. While scholars have developed profound economic models and powerful empirical tools, such knowledge was mostly used in closed circles at university, but hardly applied to solve practical problems. We knew that we needed to change matters.
In August 2016, we enrolled as PhD students at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich and simultaneously joined the ifo Institute for Economic Research as Junior Economists. We enjoyed the best of both worlds. At university, we received a thorough training in economics and statistical analysis to further advance our hard skills. And at Germany’s leading economic think-tank, we worked with high-level policy-makers to sharpen our soft skills.

Within a year we successfully led consultancy projects and worked for clients such as the European Union or the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, conveyed policy-relevant outputs to the interested public through TV interviews and newspaper articles, and presented our research at academic conferences from California to Melbourne.

In April 2018, we decided to take the next step and officially founded Munich Economics as a spin-off from the ifo Institute. The reason was simple: we wanted to keep the to top-notch quality of economic consulting, but couple it with a dynamic start-up spirit. And we did. From the beginning, we have worked as agile teams, employed a lean workflow, and implemented direct and personal interactions with our clients.

Since our foundation, Munich Economics has successfully completed policy projects for various clients, received country-wide media attention, and became a well-known boutique consultancy for economic research in Germany.